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Low energy usage, clean/renewable energy.

1, Optimize passive solar orientation, building massing and use of external shading devices such that thedesign of the building minimizes undesirable solar gains during the summer months while maximizingdesirable solar gains during winter months.


2, Optimize building orientation, massing, shape, design, and interior colors and finishes in order tomaximize the use of controlled natural day lighting which significantly reduces artificial lighting energyuse thereby reducing the buildings internal cooling load and energy use. Consider the use of light shelftechnology.


3, Use state-of-the art, high efficiency, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and plumbingequipment, chillers, boilers, and water heaters, etc. Use variable speed drives on fan and pump motors.Use heat recovery ventilators and geothermal heat pump technology for up to 40% energy savings.


4,Avoid the use of HCFC and Halon based refrigeration, cooling and fire suppression systems. Optimizethe use of natural ventilation and where practical use evaporative cooling, waste heat and/or solarregenerated desiccant dehumidification or absorption cooling. Identify and use sources of waste energy.


5, Use Energy Star certified energy efficient appliances, office equipment, lighting and HVAC systems. 6, Consider on-site small-scale wind, solar, and/or fuel cell based energy generation and co-generation.Purchase environmentally preferable “green” power from certified renewable and sustainable sources.


Improved indoor air quality, increased day lighting, better thermal comfort/control, no HCFCs or CFCs.


1, Provide a healthy, comfortable and productive indoor environment for building occupants and visitors. Provide a building design, which affords the best possible conditions in terms of indoor air quality, ventilation, thermal comfort, access to natural ventilation and day lighting, and effective control of the acoustical environment.


2, Maximize the use of natural day lighting. Optimize solar orientation and design the building to maximize penetration of natural daylight into interior spaces. Provide shades or daylight controls where needed.


3, Maximize the use of operable windows and natural ventilation. Provide dedicated engineered ventilation systems that operate independently of the buildings heating and cooling system. Ventilation systems should be capable of effectively removing or treating indoor contaminants while providing adequate amounts of fresh clean make-up air to all occupants and all regions of the building. Monitor indoor air conditions including temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide levels, so that buildingventilation systems can respond when space conditions fall outside the optimum range.


4, Provide a smoke free building. When smoking must be accommodated, provide completely dedicated smoking areas are physically isolated, have dedicated HVAC systems, and remain under negative pressure with respect to all adjoining spaces. Assure that air from smoking areas does not get distributed to other areas of the building does not re-enter the building through doors or vestibules, operable windows, or building fresh air intakes.. Locate outdoor smoking areas so that non-smokers donot have to pass through these areas when using primary building entrances or exits.


5, Design building envelope and environmental systems that not only treat air temperature and provide adequate ventilation, but which respect all of the environmental conditions which affect human thermal comfort and health, including the mean radiant temperature of interior surfaces, indoor air humidity, indoor air velocity, and indoor air temperature. Following these principles and providing a building that is also responsive to seasonal variations in desirable indoor humidity levels, air velocity, and meanradiant temperatures can also result in significant energy savings as improved occupant comfort results in less energy intensive operation of the buildings air-side heating and cooling system.


6, Maximize occupant health, comfort and performance by providing occupants with individual space/zonecontrol of heat, ventilation, cooling, day-lighting and artificial lighting whenever possible.


A green building is one where the qualities of both the indoor and outdoor environments have been considered and protected during its design, construction, maintenance and use.


1, Make more efficient use of space in existing occupied buildings, renovate and re-use existing vacantbuildings, sites, and associated infrastructure and consider re-development of brownfield sites. Designbuildings and renovations to maximize future flexibility and reuse thereby expanding useful life.


2, Evaluate each site in terms of the location and orientation of buildings and improvements in order tooptimize the use of passive solar energy, natural daylighting, and natural breezes and ventilation.


3, Use landscape design to preserve and restore the region’s natural habitat and heritage while emphasizingthe use of indigenous, hardy, drought resistant trees, shrubs, plants and turf.


Efficient fixtures, waste water reuse, efficient irrigation,

1, Tips For Conserving Water: One drop of water wasted per second wastes nearly 3,000 gallons per year.Recognize that the least costly, least time consuming and most environmentally preferable design forsite and storm water management is often the one in which the design of buildings and siteimprovements respect the existing natural flows and features of the land, instead of designing thebuilding and site improvements with total disregard for the site, which results in needless, extensive,disruptive, costly and time consuming excavation and earthmoving.


2, Establish a water budget for the building and implement a design that minimizes the use of potable water by using low-flow plumbing fixtures and toilets and waterless urinals. Harvest, process and recycle rainwater, site storm water, and building gray water and identify appropriate uses within the building and site. Use on-site treatment systems that enable use of rain water for hand washing, gray water for toilet flushing, rain and storm water for site irrigation, cooling tower make-up and other uses.Conserve water and preserve site and ground water quality by using only indigenous, drought resistant and hardy trees, shrubs, plants and turf that require no irrigation, fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides.


3, Conserve water and preserve site and ground water quality by using only indigenous, drought resistantand hardy trees, shrubs, plants and turf that require no irrigation, fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides.


Green Building 

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